
Portrait Ornaments
Portrait Ornaments

are hand sketched and hand painted in acrylics on 65mm, 2.5 inch, frosted glass balls.

The finished painting has a matte finish, similar to the frosted glass surface.

Each ornament is individually signed and has the subject's name and the current year on the back.  If you wish, it can be personalized with an inscription of your choosing.

Since they are painted on glass, they are very fragile and will break if dropped.
Each ornament comes in its own gift box which is the suggested method for storage when not on display.

To ensure a lifetime of enjoyment, your ornament should not be exposed to direct sunlight or stored in extreme hot or cold temperatures.

Washing the ornament can damage the ornament finish and the painted portrait and is not advised.

I recommend that you keep it from situations or locations where it can become soiled.

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**The artist reserves the right to change the listed deadline based on the volume of orders and the ability to complete and deliver before 12/25/06.
It's not just an ornament-
it's a piece of fine art.
Order now so you don't miss out.
Price: $100.00
(plus shipping & handling)
Deadline for orders for Christmas 2006 is
August 31, 2006**.  Orders placed after this date are
not guaranteed for delivery before 12/25/06.
Currently not accepting new orders.
Thank you.